O. My. God.

I've been doing it wrong. Wrong! This explains everything. This makes frogging back the whole darned Bella Blouse and the Clapotis ok. I had a feeling that things weren't right, but I didn't understand.

This showed me what the problem was.

I'm a "continental" knitter and it took me a long time to figure out the right way to knit. Turns out that for a long time I was knitting into the back of the loop (ktbl) which made me very confused the first time I hit a "twisted rib". Huh? What do you mean, "back loop". Wierd.

I also did almost everything circularly and with yarn that didn't really let me see the fabric. On this blouse, and with the cotton yarn, it's OBVIOUS that one stitch was twisted. Then again, the same was true with the scarf, but I was in denial (did I mention I'm half way through?!). Then I stumbled on this wonderful blog with a PICTURE!

I'm crushed now that I know I'm wrong. Then again, maybe this is all for the best - but it's certain that I'll be ... slower. Geez. That's not really the kind of help I needed. :-)

I'm gonna rip out the Bella Blouse and the Clapotis. It's the right thing to do - and I'm also probably going to do something else with the Sea Silk anyway. Not everything is a disaster ... right?

Bless you Techknitter. Really.

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