Bizz Johnson Week 5

Monday - Cross Training actual: knitting

Ok, so I almost finished the Breeze socks today. I'll for sure finish tomorrow.

Tuesday - Run 3 miles actual: 3

Today will be some speed work/training for my WCISOA fitness exam next week. Given that I've really got only about 6 training days to sort all this, I need to get serious. I don't expect to make HUGE headway in my times, but certainly prevent myself from failing. Two rounds each of the short events plus the 12 minute run and I should easily get my 3 miles in. I'll do a mile of warmup on the track before actually taking on the speed work (laps - ICKY!) but that's what I need to do. Thursday will be the same. Run, agility, then run.

Wednesday - Run 6 miles actual: 6

Oh. My. Goodness! It was ridiculously hot today, but I ran anyway. Stupid. I'm taking tomorrow off.

Thursday - Run 3 miles actual: 0

Yup. Farmers' Market and rest. And lots of water.

Friday - Rest actual: 4

Making up for yesterday ...

Saturday - Run 6 miles actual: 4.5

Ran the hash today - what a disaster. I got some distance but also spent a goodly amount of time apologizing to everyone for a poorly-laid trail. Geez. I had a great time regardless. Nice to be out in the sunshine with good friends!

Sunday - Run 12 miles actual: 12

Gorgeous day by the reservoir. I used to really *hate* this run (paved, lots of people) but now that I'm training on my own, I'm liking it much more. There's water at the 3.5 mile and 6 mile marks (which means also at 8.5 on the way back) and it's shaded most of the way. It's also further north so generally cooler. Anyhow, this was the best 12 miles I've run in a long time. Maybe the training is starting to "take".

Total Scheduled Mileage: 30
Actual Mileage: 29.5

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