The Call of the Kauni

Since I saw the Harlot knitting it up back in June, I knew I needed to try this sucker. It's a really wonderful cardigan (what?!?! a cardigan!?!?) that uses a Danish yarn with looooooooooooooong color repeats to make the stranded knitting go much easier. Honestly, there are only eight rows of stranding for every twenty rows of pattern. Should be a hoot, right?

There's an excellent work in progress blog here that shows all kinds of wonderful things - like the color repeat possibilities, the way to deal with the steeks and associated openings, picking up stitches for the button band, the whole she-bang. We've also got a KAL going (see the sidebar for the button) and a source for all the different colorways up in Canada. I think all the versions are represented - but the rainbow is by far the most popular. Maybe the green would have been better ...

The yarn finally showed up yesterday - and I even managed to resist (RESIST!) opening the package mainly because I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to my husband. "What's that?" Oh, some more cool yarn. "What's it for? I mean, did you have a plan or are you still 'just buying' yarn?" A cardigan. "Cardigan!?!? What about my sweater that's been totally knit and has been sitting in a bag since Christmas and we're about to go on a long camping trip where it'll be cold and I might want it? What about that, huh?!?!"

No, I didn't open the bag.

Trying to figure out where to start the colors is what's really getting me. There are essentially three possibilities and I think that they're going to result in varying degrees of contrast. Less is likely to be more for me when it comes to this cardigan, but I'm not really sure. Maybe a look at a color wheel will help.

Any suggestions?

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