What about all that other stuff?

This blog has been very knitty lately. That's a good thing - knitting has done wonders for keeping my head straight and generally keeping me "calm". Given that I've been under the weather and recently rolled my ankle while running, my #1 stress-relieving activity (running) has been severely curtailed.

Then again, there are other things I love to do - namely, cook! When I took two weeks off between jobs, I had every intention of getting back in to the kitchen and making not only yummy meals for myself during the day, but also nice, healthy dinners for my hubby when he came home from work. Did I do that? No. Why? Good question. Rather than line up a bunch of excuses, it's time to remember that the kitchen is my friend and I NEED to get reacquainted.

Summer is nearly here in California (it's felt like it for at least a month!) and the Farmers Market is back in my home town. Which idiot scheduled it for Thursday nights I have no idea, but there it is. Generally, I have something to do EVERY Thursday - namely, run with my running club. This basically puts me in the difficult position of either skipping a fun activity with my close friends to get my favorite bread, or skipping physical activity to eat. Having spent a good chunk of my childhood severely overweight, not exercising in favor of eating is almost horrifying.

Ok, 'nuff said. I hereby resolve to cook dinner AT LEAST twice a week on weekdays (and that does NOT mean boil dried pasta and open a jar of red sauce) and for certain at least one weekend day (if we're home). I think this would be good for both hubby and me - we eat better when I cook and I certainly don't mind taking leftovers in to work.

Time to crack open the cookbooks and visit some of my favorite foodie sites. I've added a few links in the sidebar - and I'll also make sure to share the fun!

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