Suffice to say that last year was not my finest. I'd say it was a continuation of quite a few years of not paying enough attention to the world around me and really losing track of what was important. I came within an inch of being single again - after nearly 20 years together - and boy was that horrible.
Where am I going with this? Well, in "happier days", Chris was pretty good at letting me know he was thinking about me by sending me flowers. It didn't happen regularly - but he always managed to figure out when I was feeling sad, or missing him, or just totally overwhelmed by life. A lovely bouquet would show up at work, on the table at home - and even once in China! There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that touches me so.
Anyway, when we were having "trouble", I actually noticed that the flowers didn't happen anymore. We'd argue. We'd pick on each other. I'd cry. While I didn't "expect" them per se, I did notice that he didn't seem to think about it anymore.
Fast forward to today. I was away again last week and came home on Saturday morning. He's been working his tail off to get the race car up and running again for a track day tomorrow and he and his partner ran into all sorts of problems. Knowing I'd be all foggy and tired, I sent him off to work on the car. Turned out that they had more problems and "one day" became "all weekend". Plus, tonight he's off to head up to the race track. Yeah, I was a little sad about it but I didn't want to prevent him from getting his stuff done. It's not every weekend, he really loves doing it, and it needs to happen.
He noticed.

I really do love that man.
you know, my marriage has had its ups and downs.... sometimes i think more downs than ups... but everytime i've started to give up on the man, he rises to the occasion. recently, i've returned to something i first started way back in the early 80's when i lived in NYC... reiki. i love it. it's pure, simple, and gentle. so i'm going off into my spiritual, new agey self... i come home from a reiki seminar and he says to me, out of the blue... "have you heard of qui gong?" next thing i know he wants to learn to meditate... the guy just keeps coming back to me, a little bit more transformed. and i'm so blessed and lucky to have him. there's some reason we're together and if we stay together long enough, by god, i think we just might understand why.
Aww... it really is the little things that bring us the most joy. Thank you for sharing this with your readers, if it helps to remind someone to do a little something for their other half it's worth it.
May better times be ahead of you, and the heartfires burn strongly again.
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