Briefly ...

The spinning is done, the plying is done. The yarn is in the sink in the bathroom.

Today, it went from this:

to this:

Any suggestions as to what I should make? It's just over 600 yards of laceweight. I was thinking about another Tuscan shawl from No Sheep for You. It'd be a nice gift for my mom's birthday next month.


Rows Red said...

*drools incoherently*

Duh... yeah... uhh... It's PURTY...

Seriously? LOVE. I am full of love for that yarn. I say you wear it as a necklace. LOL

blopeep said...

You have NO IDEA how squooshy this stuff is. It's absolutely amazing. Whatever I do with it (even nothing), I'll make sure to bring it to SOAR so you can fondle it.