In which we explore ways to expand the space between work and sleep ...
Briefly ...
The spinning is done, the plying is done. The yarn is in the sink in the bathroom.
Today, it went from this:
to this:
Any suggestions as to what I should make? It's just over 600 yards of laceweight. I was thinking about another Tuscan shawl from No Sheep for You. It'd be a nice gift for my mom's birthday next month.
You have NO IDEA how squooshy this stuff is. It's absolutely amazing. Whatever I do with it (even nothing), I'll make sure to bring it to SOAR so you can fondle it.
*drools incoherently*
Duh... yeah... uhh... It's PURTY...
Seriously? LOVE. I am full of love for that yarn. I say you wear it as a necklace. LOL
You have NO IDEA how squooshy this stuff is. It's absolutely amazing. Whatever I do with it (even nothing), I'll make sure to bring it to SOAR so you can fondle it.
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